Site icon Enlighten me Lord as today I want to be better than yesterday -Blessed Caterina Troiani


Our Lady Immaculate Primary School comprises approximately 288 students and 35 educators, including class teachers, LSEs, complementary teachers, and subject teachers.

Students begin their educational journey at OLIS in Year 1 and complete it in Year 11. In the primary school, there are two classes per year, each consisting of 24 students. The subjects taught in the primary school include Mathematics, English, Maltese, Religion, Social Studies, PSCD (Personal, Social, and Career Development), Science, Art, Physical Education (P.E.), Music, Drama, and ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

In Year 6, girls are offered taster lessons in Italian, French, and German to enable them to make an informed choice about which languages to study from Year 7 onwards.

In Year 1 and Year 2, significant importance is given to promoting the girls’ basic literacy and numeracy skills.  However, at this stage there is a balance between the structured time-table and the emergent curriculum. 

As a school, we acknowledge that the emergent curriculum approach is a dynamic and child-centred educational philosophy that values children’s interests, experiences, and curiosity. This approach recognises that children learn best when they are actively engaged in meaningful experiences that align with their interests and developmental needs. By observing and listening to the children, educators can tailor learning experiences that spark curiosity, foster creativity, and promote deeper understanding. and discovery, providing a rich and responsive educational experience.  Additionally, the emergent curriculum offers ample opportunities for students to cultivate essential 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and adaptability, empowering them to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that 21st-century skills are still nurtured across all aspects of the primary curriculum, ensuring a comprehensive education that prepares students for success in the modern world.

At OLIS, we prioritise the well-being of each individual child. Our goal extends beyond academic growth; we are committed to nurturing every girl under our care holistically, ensuring their physical, social, spiritual, and psychological development, while also equipping them with strong values to navigate life successfully.

Primary school life at OLIS is an enriching and enjoyable experience for the girls. We are dedicated to offering engaging learning opportunities that are not only educational but also fun and hands-on. At OLIS, we believe that fostering a love for learning in a joyful and stimulating atmosphere lays the foundation for lifelong curiosity and academic success.

Special days or weeks organised in the Primary School

St Nicholas’ Day – we remember this special saint and learn how we can strive to emulate his acts of kindness and generosity in our daily interactions with others.

Anti-bullying Week – anti-bullying week plays a crucial role in creating a school culture that values respect, kindness, and inclusivity, and works to prevent and address bullying behaviour effectively. During this week, various activities are organised to promote awareness, empowering students and creating a safe environment and positive relationships.

Eco Week – Activities organised during this week, serve to continue raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability. It provides an opportunity for students to learn about the importance of protecting the environment, reducing waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices in their daily lives. During this week, outings related with nature are also organised where the students can appreciate the beauty of nature.

Book Week – Book Week encourages students to explore the joys of reading by showcasing a diverse range of books and literary genres. Through various activities such as author visits, storytelling sessions, and book fairs, students are inspired to discover new stories and develop a lifelong love for reading.

Family Days – Parents and guardians are invited to school to spend some time together with their daughters by participating in joined fun activities.  This helps promote family involvement in education, strengthens relationships between home and school, and fostering a sense of belonging within the school community.

These are some of the main activities that take place throughout the school year. However, we also have other exciting and enjoyable days planned, such as the 100th Day of School, Ice-Cream Day, Achievement Day, and Pyjama Day. These special days add an extra element of fun and excitement to school life in the primary school at OLIS, creating memorable experiences for our students and enhancing their overall educational journey.

Our Values

The values that we aspire to instil in our girls, drawing inspiration from the life of Beata Caterina Troiani, include:

  1. Compassion: Demonstrating care and empathy towards others, especially the less fortunate.
  2. Resilience: Overcoming obstacles and challenges with determination and perseverance.
  3. Faith: Upholding strong spiritual beliefs and trusting in a higher purpose.
  4. Service: Committing to selfless acts of kindness and generosity to benefit others.
  5. Inclusivity: Embracing diversity and fostering understanding and respect for people of all backgrounds.
  6. Excellence: Striving for academic, personal, and moral excellence in all endeavours.
  7. Collaboration: Working together as a community to achieve common goals and support one another.
  8. Integrity: Acting with honesty, sincerity, and ethical behaviour in all situations.
  9. Leadership: Inspiring and empowering others to make positive contributions to society.
  10. Legacy: Honouring the traditions, values, and contributions of those who came before while building a brighter future for generations to come.

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